Friday, January 8, 2010

Come and eat and support Painesville

Major changes are underway in Downtown Painesville. Through the Downtown Painesville Organization and the Ohio Main Street Program, we're fixing up downtown. We're improving the look of the neighborhood, promoting downtown, helping our businesses and recruiting new ones. We've got the first master plan for the neighborhood in 40 years and firmly believe Painesville's best days are ahead of us.

Please join us for breakfast on Wednesday, January 20th to get the inside scoop on revitalization efforts in Downtown Painesville. Guest Speaker Paul Volpe, President of City Architecture, will be presenting about the neighborhood master plan and our unique opportunity to embrace our historic charm and revitalize downtown. City Architecture facilitated our community-wide planning process and is widely-recognized as the preeminent urban-planning firm in Greater Cleveland.
Downtown Painesville Breakfast (with Special Guest Paul Volpe)
Wednesday, January 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Chase Bank Building, Second Floor
30 South Park Place, Painesville, OH 44077
($15 per person)

We would love to have you attend the breakfast. Please RSVP with payment by Friday, January 15 to Downtown Painesville Organization, One Victoria Place #265A, Painesville, OH 44077.

Hope to see you!


Doug Nagy
Executive Director
Downtown Painesville Organization

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I know that I am opening the door to all the negative Nancy's but here goes. What is your New Year Resolution? Leave whatever you want, but remember that I wield the delete button if it is nasty and vulgar. Try and make an effort to keep it clean and let people know what you yourself are going to do to change 2010 in your personal life.