Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, welcome "2010"

Well 2009 sure was a doozy and Painesville saw quite a bit during the past 365. I only hope that this message reaches you well and all have a good and prosperous 2010. Enjoy your life for what you are given, it is too short and will pass you by if you don't grab on tight. Love the one's around you and treat yourself well. Don't spendd all of your short timee on this earth hating and being the person no one wants to be around, except for the other miserable people in this world. I pray that they may someday see the light and realize that they spent there good days here on earth with too much negativity, just my two cents for what it is worth. Happy New Year!!!


Anonymous said...

Love coming here JT. always positive!
You remind me of the Rabi that told the German Jews, "Enjoy the train ride,what can it hurt?"
I am positive I just don't stick my head in the ground.
Mary Poppins

Big John said...

You sound overly positive. JT