Wednesday, July 20, 2011

911 Memorial Garden Fundraiser

This past winter, the Painesville City Fire Department obtained an artifact from ground zero. It is our desire to utilize this artifact as the centerpiece for a Memorial and Meditation Garden in front of the fire station here in Painesville. The Memorial and Meditation Garden will be for all to visit and reflect upon losses or to seek some solace. This Garden is also to pay respect to those 2,753 victims who lost their lives 10 years ago and to honor local firefighters, law enforcement and military personnel who have died while serving this community.

We have an obligation to give this artifact a permanent home so that the public can view the piece of the twin towers, which once stood as mighty examples of American strength and determination. Martin's Nursery graciously donated their services in designing the garden and now we need to move forward. Our goal is to raise approximately $7,000 in order to make this Memorial and Meditation Garden a reality.

Painesville's Party in the Park event this past weekend enabled us to raise $1,000 towards this project. We are now seeking to fulfill our remaining goal of $6,000 through donations from residents and businesses in our community. We have approximately 4 weeks to raise these funds in order to have the Memorial and Meditation Garden completed in time for the annual 9-11 Memorial ceremony and dedication on September 11, 2011.

No public funds are being utilized for this project.

We need your help to make the Memorial Garden a reality this year. No amount is too small and your generous donation will be publicly acknowledged at our 9-11 memorial ceremony and Memorial Garden dedication event through promotional announcements and prominent note in our program. Donations can either be mailed or dropped off anytime at the Fire Station located at 28 Mentor Avenue.
I welcome the opportunity to speak with you or your organization about this endeavor. Please contact Melissa Soto at 440.392.5852 with questions or to schedule an appointment.


KJenkins said...

How else is this being advertised? The fire and police should throw together some kind of "Open House" to bring people over there and raise awareness of the need!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Big John said...


I grabbed this from an email I got from Doug Nagy. I do know that there are some basic efforts out there but perhaps my contacting the Fire Chief and seeing what else could be done would be a good start? I think I will...and if there are any other volunteers out there that could render services, let me know and I will get that info. to the who's who. JT

KJenkins said...

I'm sure I could wrangle up a few more people if they feel the need exists.

Anonymous said...

On Sunday [9/11/11] I plan to drive by V-Park on my way to church to see the nearly 3000 flags displayed on the square. After the Browns game I plan to walk to the Fire Station for the 5 oclock dedication for the 911 Memorial Garden. God Bless America

Big John said...

Sounds like a great idea. I too will be there in the crowd at 5 pm. I think that this is a nice thing and a show of support I sure is very welcomed. JT