Sunday, October 5, 2008

New poll about your Cities history.

Please take the time to go to the victims memorial and look at the statue of Gen. Edward Paine for the answer to this local qustion.  The answer is surely on the internet, but this is to get you to go to the memrorial and see it for yourself.  Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

JT -
Well, I haven't gotten a chance to take a stroll that way yet, so I went about it the lazy way. I googled General Edward Paine and it states his birth place is Ellington, Connecticut. Then he entered the patriot army in 1775 in Bolton, Connecticut.
Bolton is a choice but Ellington isn't. I guess I am going to have to take a stroll down there to see what the statue says!!!

Big John said...

The plaque should read as follows, seems to be some conflicting info. out there.

On the bronze plaque at the base of the statue is the following inscription:

Edward Paine/ Soldier of the American Revolution/ Born January 27, 1746, in Bolton, Connecticut, entered service as ensign in the Connecticut Militia, Commissioned first Lieutenant in Captain Jonathan/ Birge's company, 1776, and captain of the 5th. company/ Alarm list, 19th. Regiment, 1777.

Later made brigadier General of New York State Militia. In 1800 General Paine and family moved to Ohio. He promoted the development of the Grand River area.

The county seat of Lake County bears his name. He died at Painesville, August 28, 1841. Inscribed by New Connecticut Chapter, National/ Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, July 21, 1966.

Oh, well, maybe it will get a few folks out there to see what a nice place that little memorial is. JT

Anonymous said...


Big John said...

Hey, thanks for coming and I hope you learned something by reading this regardless of my spelling ability. I did not realize that this was an English lesson blog, but hey, have fun right? JT

Anonymous said...

2ND post up

How do you spell Must ?

Big John said...

That's funny I did not even catch that. I was trying to think of a way not to be terse when responding and I missed the spelling error whilst they were mentioning my spelling ability. Even our critic's are not perfect, nice to see for a change. JT