Friday, December 12, 2008

Restaurant review, "positive" of course

Check out what I think of Seniors' new menu.


Big John said...

I have gone to Seniors fairly regularly and have grown to love the food and atmosphere also. The staff is friendly, customers all nod hello, kind of like I remember as a kid. Today I go to lunch and got met with all new decor. They did not do a goofy sponge paint and wall paper border here folks, they did tile. The whole store was re-done with white, red and green tiles. Looks to have been professionally done and really adds to the ambiance.

I also noted some differences on the menu. One I will speak of here, the rest will be future reviews. Shredded beef with pablano peppers and onions. I got the burrito and it was as usual, "as big as my head". Got the beans and rice on the side, and yet still huge. They raised prices...a quarter, way worth the changes. Spicy shredded beef mixed with fired roasted pablanos and onion, stewed together to perfection. Tasted like the best Italian beef I ever ate, but better. Salsa and lime on the side and I was a happy person. I did eat the whole thing...ouch! Get there and check out some of the new items.

Seniors, way to go, changing the menu a bit, decor and keeping it fresh, nice job! JT

Anonymous said...

JT -

Big John said...

DC, make no mistake, I reviewed Seniors Mexican restaurant and comment about their new decor, not Flavors on the Square. Sorry if I mis-lead, not my intention. Flavors does have a good breakfast however, nice point. JT

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I was confused - I really thought you meant Flavors on the Square!
Not sure what the heck I was thinking!

Anonymous said...

jt, thanks for the tip about jimmy's. i went there today for the mushroom soup. i had to go to the credit union and i walked down there to see what soup they had today. i was in luck.

the mushroom soup is... er... was great. i snuck it past my coworker who is dieting. i knew if he realized i was eating it he would be so angry while munching on that fat free salad.


Big John said...

Dave, I think that I posted something a ways back about their soup, wonderful right? And based on my tasting of the soup I am sure that your co-worker is glad that you did not offer, it was so rich and I bet it is a diet buster. Thanks. JT

Anonymous said...

What do you suggest people do if they go to a local restaurant and have a lousy dinner?

Big John said...

Well, I always try and handle any dissatisfaction with the restaurant itself. I always ask the waitress first to fix a problem and then the manager. I have had bad experiences, don't get me wrong, I just focus on the positive factors. And the way that I handle a bad meal is positive as well. No one will listen to you if you are nasty. I present myself in a friendly manner and usually get a reasonable solution that makes me feel good when I leave. But then again, I am not real picky. I ordered a meal recently and got an entirely different dish, I was actually eating at Bravo in Mentor for a dinner. I ate the different dish regardless, as they were things that I would like. I presented my problem to the management and they comped my dinner, minus and our two deserts. I did not get the dish I really wanted but I did like the other dish and felt good about the deal when I left.

I hope that helped and answered your question? Understand that I have just taken a "positive" outlook into my everyday life if possible. I have learned that I don't like being angry all the time and that life is too short. JT

Anonymous said...

Have you ever had a bad meal in Painesville? The reason I ask is I've had bad experiences not with service but with food quality. All 4 of us were unsatified, One restaurant advertises Surf and Turf I always thought that was steak and Lobster not steak and scampies? I guess I should have looked closer at the menu.
I don't complain I just don't go back.

Big John said...

Sure I have a bad meal in the City. I just choose to focus on the positive factors rather than other. I always just thought that "surf and turf" meant something from land and sea. But you are right, Lobster would be a traditional thought, if it was on the menu however as "scampi" then I guess buyer beware. JT