Saturday, November 22, 2008

Favorite Painesville Wintertime memories!

A frequent contributor, DC, wrote that they would like to see a post for their favorite winter memories of Painesville.  Maybe you went sledding down Telegraph hill, driving through to see all the lights, maybe a Chirstmas Eve church service that is very pretty.  Whatever your winter memories feel free to write about them and share with the rest of us.  I would love to hear some stories of "Old Painesville" during it's hay day if there is anyone out there to help?  Thanks DC!


Anonymous said...

JT -
Thanks for posting my request! I can remember my mom getting my sister and I into our pajamas, loading us in her Cordoba (sp?) and driving us 'downtown' to see the Christmas lights! We would drive through around the square, check out all the lights and then hit some neighborhoods to see who had the best light displays! We would head home and warm up with some hot chocolate! On Christmas Eve, my dad would pick us up and ALWAYS take us to Silvestro's Depot Cafe before our family celebration. 'Uncle' Lucian was there with Whatchamacallit candy bars, little presents for the kids, and a big spread of food for his guests. Everyone was 'family' - it was a chance to see friends that you hadn't seen is so very long. It's all about tradition with me - my husband and I love making our own with our children now.

Big John said...

You are welcome. Thanks for sharing your good times, sounded nice. JT

Anonymous said...

Buying our Christmas tree from Porostosky's Shoe repair shop, on N.St Clair St. by Jackson St.
Buying my Mom's gift from Waylee's Hardware store gift Dept. on Main Street,
Getting up early, when it snowed overnight and looking down the street, before anyone made tracks in the snow.