Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Taste of Painesville

Thursday September 4th beginning at 5 pm. Live band this year featuring “The Castaways”. There is going to be a good time to be had by all I am certain. I hope to see many people turn out to support the City.


Anonymous said...

I want to go and watch madpotter count the latinos

Anonymous said...

She won't count Latinos, she will make the city better by collecting food scraps for our future, world famous, 100ft high compost pile.

Anonymous said...

These two are really "positive" comments.

Big John said...

I know they aren't overly positive, but they were not overly negative either, in my opinion. They were in fun and related to TERMS blog and I saw the humor in them. If I was wrong and you were offended I am sorry. I want you to feel good about this site.

Are you going to the Taste?

Sandy Miller said...

so sorry to disappoint but I have other plans so won't be seeing all you upstanding fine citizens.
sorry jt don't see the humor here.....

Big John said...

Sorry MP, thought they were playing on the comments you made on TERMS blog, maybe out of taste. Apology? JT

Anonymous said...

Taste of Painesville was great! Unbelievable how many people attended. It was almost too crowded, for a littlw while it was elbow to elbow and lines for food 20 people deep.

This was propbably the best Taste ever, on top of what I thought was the best Party in the Park ever.

This city is going places, I can't believe after seeing something like this that those people on "the other Painesville blog" can be so negative.

I can admit we aren't perfect but anyone I know who attends these events is always excited about how this city is starting to move forward again.

I did see the group of "neggies" from the other blog there, standing off in a corner surveying everyone like they were looking for something evil to write about. Hey "neggies", you have an open invitation to join the rest of us, loosen up and have some fun. You might actually find out what the rest of us know, we aren't perfect but we sure are moving in the right direction!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I came here for the first time today to check out the "no negative" site. I am disappointed. It seems like this site has been set up to embarrass TERM and his friends. "neggies" is not a positive comment and all this about embarrassing madpotter is uncalled for. I am going to see if I can find out who TERM and madpotter are and join them on the corner. have your fun but don't present yourself as above everyone else. You are right there in the gutter.

Big John said...

Well you see that most of the comments are positive and some of the content can be negative. I guess that I just want this to get going and minus a few comments it has gone pretty well. I do not condone the comments but I also was not writing them either. My desire was to post positive topics to talk about and never promised that every word would be positive. I post the topics for you all to read and learn about and hopefully learn something about your town. TERM has a good blog and I check it often and contribute as well. JT

Anonymous said...

I give that other site a month.This is real.

Anonymous said...

To Anon who wants to join the "neggies" on the corner. I wrote that post, and I know who they are along with about 4 of the other posters on the other site.

Believe me, once you have listened to them and been around them for awhile "neggies" is a very positive term to use for refering to them.

Anonymous said...

i heard great things about it on wkky from alex anthony. did anyone get to alex and penny's new place Your vine or mine?

i had to work and got involved in a dirty sooty job.


Anonymous said...

Maddog, You were on vacation all week, and you didn't go to "Taste of Painesville" that was positive?You seem to want to find out things on your terms.

Anonymous said...

i was on vacation from one job which does not mean i was not working on another. maybe you dont know me as well as you think.

again did anyone get over to your vine or mine? i will stop in hopefully this weekend. alex said that he has some wine that will be finished soon. one was called green apple and the other was some peach apricot i think.

i heard the event was a success, and had great weather. congrads to those who sponsored, attended, and participated. i hope it draws business to your restaurants.


Big John said...

Maddog, I did make it to the taste and it was great! I got there a bit late, but the vendors were doing their best to keep supplied to the end. I did go into "Your vine or mine" and met Alex and Penny, nice couple. The place was very nice and comfortable with an earthy, kind of grandads library type of feel. They have some light food options to go with the wines and I did see their future wine list. I am looking forward to the Green Apple Riesling due on Sept. 15. I will be down there taking a sample for sure. Glad to see you around. JT

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Why was that post removed? Just maybe they didnt care for that style food or music. I will not attend Saturdays Latino affair not because I dont like Mexicans. I just dont care for their food or music. The things you delete and the things you leave up, I guess I just dont think that question was negative.

Big John said...

I am trying to keep a better handle on things in here. I am very busy and some stuff got through a while back that was negative yes, but I am trying to do better. I had a different take on it, spoke with a close friend, and we both agreed. No offense to Sue, just wanted to keep things going along. When I speak of groups of people I like to avoid terms that single them out. I left your post because you were insightful and posted your opinion and were not crude about it. I thank you for that and I do feel that everyone has a right to their opinions. Thanks and sorry we did not agree here. JT

Anonymous said...

Talked to a few of the "neggies" they seem to think they stopped the Charter change that tried to get passed a few years ago. After that they just stayed in touch to keep the city responsible for there actions. The Charter change would have added over a million dollars a year to property taxes in Painesville. at the time city leaders said if the change would not happen it meant dire times for Painesville. Whos Right?
They stated hiring Asst. Manager,pay raises,new fire truck, as proof of the city having the funds? plus no mention of a JEDD but talks were already in the works according to Concord.

Big John said...

I guess I don't know where that post came from, am I alone? I understand the charter change thought, but you said it best, who knows? Did you go to the Taste of Painesville? JT

Anonymous said...

Probably from someone that can not find anything positive. It seems to be getting harder to do here.

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